structural damage

How Undetected Leaks Can Lower Your Home’s Property Value

Leaks in your home can be a lot more than just a nuisance. They can create a property-damaging, money-draining, stress-inducing dilemma. Of course, all homeowners want to live within clean and comfortable confines. Understandably, they’d also like to ensure that the value of their homes only appreciates in the event that selling becomes an option. […]

How Undetected Leaks Can Lower Your Home’s Property Value Read More »

Helpful Hints For Homeowners, Leaks, , , , , , , , ,

3 Facts About Leaks The Average Homeowner May Not Know

“It’s just a little leak.” If this particular expression has left your lips, you may be paying a water bill that is far more expensive than it should be. Not to mention, those “little” leaks should not be underestimated. In addition to spiked water bills, they can lead to property damage and even health risks.

3 Facts About Leaks The Average Homeowner May Not Know Read More »

Helpful Hints For Homeowners, Leaks, , , , , , , , , , , ,
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